Friday, December 10, 2010

This Blog Has Gone Feline

Yesterday was the longest day of my life! I'm sure it was longer than a regular day. And so much motion - when I finally got to be still I still felt like all 4 of my legs were still wobbling. I had my first bath too. It wasn't as bad as you might think - once the water was finally not scolding hot or freezing cold! And I did smell pretty bad!! What? You would too if you were locked in a small room without a bathroom for a long time! Eventually you just gotta go poop on the floor, and then try not to sleep in it - not easily done when everything keeps moving around and your ears hurt and all you want to do is sleep. And my fur did end up nice and soft and fluffy, once I'd put in a good fews hours with my tongue as well. I slept like a log last night! No motion, very peaceful and back with my Mom where I belong. There is this other cat here though who seems like a bit of a prissy princess type, and she didn't really give me the warmest of welcomes. I could take her though if I needed to, but I don't want any reason to have to leave, so for now I'll put fighting on the back burner and just stay out of her way. I've made myself a nice little "cat cave" under the couch in my room. It's a little chilly there but it will do for now. Like I said I'm back with Mom and that makes me so happy. I miss Daddy though - he seemed real sad when I last saw him. I think I won't see him again for a while. When Mom was sad like that it was a real long time before I saw her again and not a fun ride to get here. I hope Daddy will be okay without me and won't start sleeping with that smelly effort with the long fur. Anyway I'm kinda tired now and my paws are sore and Mom is shutting the door which means peaceful sleep time coz that other cat can't get in. Yey!!

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